

ブログについて/ About my blog(English follows Japanese)
96のチラシの裏:浦和レッズについて考えたこと(以下、当ブログ)をご訪問頂きありがとうございます。 当ブログは一般の浦和レッズサポーターである96が、自己の発想および知見に基づき試合の戦術、選手、趨勢等についてのゲーム解釈を含めた感想を書いています。当ブログを通じて試合を振り返っていただくとともに、両チームの戦術的な狙いやプレーの意図を想像しながら試合を観るという楽しみ方の、僅かながらの参考になればと思います。また、過去の試合のアーカイブを残すことによって当時の状況やサポーターの感情などの記憶を追体験できるような資料になればとも考えています。当ブログにおける戦術分析やゲーム構造等に関する見解・解釈は96個人のものであり、その責任範囲は96個人の社会通念上の発言責任の範疇と同一であり、特定の団体等とは一切関係ありません。また、試合の見方、戦術分析、監督の采配、選手のプレーの意図については観る人の数だけの見解があり得るものであり、96の分析や感想と異なるご意見やご指摘、ご示唆をいただける場合は是非コメント等にてご共有ください。そのようなディスカッションを通じて、僕自身さらに勉強出来ればと思っています。 なお、当ブログに記載されている内容に明らかな誤認や不適切な表現があった場合は、ご指摘ください。確認の上必要であれば修正しごめんなさいします。
Thank you very much for your visiting to my blog. Here I, @urawareds96 posts articles on my reviews of Urawa Reds games with players, tactical, and strategic analysis based on my view and ideas. I hope my posts could help you to look back the Reds games, and to find a way to enjoy through watching and thinking about tactics and strategy, of the teams. And for me it it also important that my posts will be archives to be referenced for future supporters to understand what happened at this time. The opinions and interpretations of this blog regarding tactical analysis and game structure are my own, and have nothing to do with any particular organization . In addition, as there can be as many views as possible for the viewpoint of the game, tactical analysis, coaching of the manager, and the intention of the players to play, it will be appreciated if you share your opinions and suggestions different from my analysis and impressions. Do not hesitate to leave your comments, requests and advises for me and I hope I can study further through such discussions. If there are any obvious mistakes or inappropriate expressions in the content of this blog, also please let me know.
96について/ Who's me?(English follows Japanese)

- 15+ years of fan
I am @urawareds96 (or just 96, read as "kuro"), an ordinal fan of the Reds. I've grown up in former Urawa City, whch has been merged with neighboring cities as Saitama City of now. Because of the circumstances around me, it might be natural that I'm not able to explain exactly why I became a fan of the club. Komaba Stadium (former home stadium of the Reds) was 10min-walk distance from my house, 70% of my friends played football in a youth-team in the city or as school club activity.  It was my daily life of weekends hearing chants and yells form Komaba Stadium in my home, even before TV sounded it.
- A game review blog writer
In Japan, here's something interesting has been happening among football fans. Some of us write detailed tactical reviews of the games and share it on their blogs. At most, there're clubs having 5 to 7 fans to write about every game of it. One of the reasons of the trend might be development of knowledge infrastructure. Lots of books, articles, movies, and /or ideas has been imported/ translated via Internet from abroad, especially Europe. While social networks connects everything around (and out of) us, J-League fans are reaching intelligence that help them to learn tactics, strategy, essence and principles of football. I am one of them, writing reviews of games of the Reds on this blog (but not every game actually). The number of my followers of Twitter are about 2,500, so I believe my contents of the article are good enough for you to relay on.
- An english learner
I less excuse myself, but here's something to be explained about this article as my challenge. I am an English learner and this article is a kind of my writing training, so that you may feel something unnatural/ strange in my article. If so, do not hesitate to point me out to make it my good lesson.
